
Friday 3 September 2021

Spreading My Wings - Magie Faure-Vidot

I am the captain of my own destiny
One humble and tiny
However over the oceans I spread my wings
And in the ball-room I practise the best swings

My map is hidden
Within a place - forbidden
I applied for a license
To unveil one essence

I did not obtain planning permission
To construct my desired mansion
A little bird came whistling to me

Be patient Magie
I became resilient
But remained a civil guardian
Wore my different caps
To absorb the heavy downpours from
various taps

Yet my dreams
Are beautified within colourful beams
I am flying in very thin air
To confirm my flair

Shadows must have an ending
My outward sense befriending
That my inward vision be clear
So as the great sacrament revere

Magie Faure-Vidot [Magie Vijay-Kumar or Magic Mags] (born 1958) Seychelles
Source: Setu

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