
Tuesday 21 September 2021

Nyeri - Beatrice Lamwaka

I almost became that man’s second wife
I twisted my underwear here and there
I hynoptised myself that he was the one
I always thought of him.

Whenever he sent me a text message
“I suit you like the cover of a jerican”
I would swing my hips to his tune
He was my man.

I waited for him at the roadside
my heart excited every time
and my mind would let me down
I would only think of my beloved.

At night, I thought about this man and his wife
whatever they would be doing
I winced every time I thought he also called her, latona
I turned here and there with no sleep
I looked for traces of him in my bed
Only emptiness welcomed me.

I waited for my intelligence to return
My mother did not teach me to be second
I am a good person
What is happening to me?

This man has sent me another text 
“my world revolves on your heart”
Today, I will hold my heart in my palm
Squeeze it to give it some sense.
I will not do what it wants
I will do what my mind wants.

Beatrice Lamwaka (20th century) Uganda

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