
Friday 10 September 2021

An old woman who was considered beautiful (Sonnet 1) - Diego Hurtado de Mendoza

     You have, Mistress Aldonza, three times thirty years,
three strands of hair, no more, and just one tooth,
breasts more fitting for a grasshopper,
where spiderwebs and scratches abound.
     On your skirts, toques, and dresses are found
less wrinkles, to be sure, than on your brow;
your mouth is rent asunder and so brave,
that two seaports cannot compete in size.
     Your song resembles the mosquito's or the frog's,
your shank is a real turd, or like a dead man's,
your eyesight is like an early morning owl's.
     You smell like pickled herring,
your back befits a goat and is as graceful
as a skinny and well-plucked duck.
     This is your portrait;
of all you hear you lack nothing:
pray tell what you lack to be a beauty.

Diego Hurtado de Mendoza (1504 - 1575) Spain
Translated by
Source: Cervantes and the burlesque sonnet, Adrienne Laskier Martín, University of California Press,  1991

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