
Tuesday 17 August 2021

Yangon 2010 - Maung Yu Py

Parents and guardians jostle over the quality of education available to their children, it’s been observed.
People work on mutual trust and understanding; it is important to avoid abuses, it’s been observed. 
Black (e)mailing and threats that undermine the social integrity and propriety of girls online are commonplace, it’s been observed. 
Certain teenagers now patronise and pirate barnyard videos and obscene images, it’s been observed. 
Youths are now overtly into neoteric fashion and luxury items, it’s been observed. 
Those about to leave for jobs overseas need to systematically prep themselves in every possible way before departure, it’s been observed. 
Documents and certificates are forged, bogus offices are set up to con the people, it’s been observed. 
The anti-plastic ecological campaign has not really caught on among the general populace, it’s been observed. 
To minimise the risk of molestation on public transport most ladies now choose special bus services, it’s been observed. 
The unemployment rate is on the increase and salaries are on the decrease, compared to last year; this has put migrant workers from rural areas in reverse immigration, it’s been observed. 
Movies that feature pleasant backdrops with an array of actors and comedies that poke fun of people tripping over, falling face down in the cow dung, are increasingly popular among the Yangon film buffs, it’s been observed.

Maung Yu Py (born 1981) Myanmar
Translated by ko ko thett and James Byrne

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