
Sunday 8 August 2021

On the incompatibility of Pride and True Glory - Abu Alola

Think not, Abdallah, pride and fame 
Can ever travel hand in hand; 
With breast opposed, and adverse aim, 
On the same narrow path they stand. 

Thus youth and age together meet, 
And life's divided moments share; 
This can't advance till that retreat, 
What's here increased is lessened there. 

And thus the falling shades of night 
Still struggle with the lucid ray, 
And e'er they stretch their gloomy flight 
Must win the lengthened space from day. 

Abu Alola (963 - 1049) Syria
Translator not stated
Source: The Sacred Books and Early Literature of the East, Vol. VI: Medieval Arabia, Charles F. Horne, ed., Parke, Austin, & Lipscomb, 1917 

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