
Sunday 16 May 2021

a quanta with fidelity - Dhal Jirel 'Ravi'

I also do believe in God
But I do not call myself 
An Incarnation of God
A son of God
A messenger of God
This is because 
I am different from Jews and Christians
I am different from Islams and Hindus
I am different from Buddhists and Jains
The God I do believe is the mighty God
He who created the universe for me
He who created the Earth for me
And He who created me
To learn the secret of life 
From all dimensions
For my God is love
Yea, mine is the God
Out of reach of common mind
Untouched by denominations
Unbound by religion
And so do I
I have no religion
I only know is
I am a human..

I do also believe in .war
But I do not call it
Holy war, Crusade, Jihad or dharmayudda
My war is different from Jews and Christians
My war is different from Islams and Hindus
My war is different from Buddhists and Jains
The war against which I stand
Is the war against inhumanity and enmity
Is the war against hatred and cruelty
Is the war against brutality and ruthlessness
And the war against 
The darkness and the meanness
The shortsightedness and the pride
To bring peace and joy 
To all from all dimensions
For my God's name is peace
Yea, mine is the God
Who shuns bloodshed
Who shuns to suck sweat
Who shuns to drink tear
And so do I
I have no religion
Only I know is
I am a rational soul.

I do listen to the teachers
But my teachers are different 
Those of Jews and Christians
Those of Islams and Hindus
Those of Buddhists and Jains
The knowledge of truth I gain is
From the feeling inside
From the beauty of creation
From the abundance of God
And from the cry of humanity
That teaches me to throw
Light to all dimension
For my God is the light
Yea,mine is the God
Whose enlightened my mind
Whose abundant love warmth my heart
Whose secret of truth enriched me
So happy am I 
I have no religion
Only I know is
I am a quanta with fidelity.

Ravi [Dhal Jirel] (20th century) Nepal

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