
Saturday 27 March 2021

The Myracle of the Toothpiks - Jorge Canese

If time doesn’t exist, what is it that repeats itself so?
If time didn’t exist, what would there be left to do? There was a time —first of all?—
When I Wanted to believe That I Knew EVERYTHING that I Should have known Thên came Another time
When I Was More than sure Of knowing That I Didn’t know (ALLMOST) anything
Now I Live out this time Of wanting to believe Or Knowing how to live Of EVERYTHING IS HERE
and although it is impossible it’s just a question of reaching out one’s hand and touching it what?

The war of Rose was more a sport than a business in itself a social appointment for lofty kapos ministers friars ambassadors and smugglerz of every ilk. NEWSFLASH: shootout at the whorehouze at Mexico and Third ends the young prostitute’s life. We shoot bazookas and 105-caliber mortars. The nest disappeared as if by magik.

temwokulí eyapiròporäkenalaneaxunto kloki

Jorge Canese (born 1947) Paraguay
[Jorge Kanese, Xorxe Kanexe, and just the initial K]
Translated by David Shook
Source: LALT

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