
Sunday 7 March 2021

Strike the chords softly - Pamelia Sarah Yule

Strike the chords softly with tremulous fingers, 
While, on the threshold of happiest years, 
For a brief moment fond memory lingers. 
Ere we go forth to life's conflicts and fears! 

Strike the chords softly! — yet no, as we tarry. 
Swiftly the morning is gliding away; 
Weary ones droop 'neath the burdens they carry, 
Toiling ones faint in the heat of the day. 

Let us not linger! — Earth's millions are crying 
"Come to us, aid us, we grope in the night! 
Come to us, aid us, we're perishing, dying — 
Give us, oh, give us, the heavenly light!"

Let us not linger! — our brethren are calling,— 
"Aid us, the harvest increases each day;— 
Some have grown weary, alas, of their toiling! — 
Others have passed from their labors away." 

Gracious Redeemer! we go at thy bidding, 
Gladly encountering peril and loss; 
Take us — ourselves to thy work we are giving, 
Give us — 'tis more than we merit— thy cross

Pamelia Sarah Yule [Mrs. J. C. Yule, nee Vining] (1826 – 1897) Canada
Source: Poems of the heart and home, Mrs. J. C. Yule, Bengough, Moore & Co., 1881

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