
Sunday 7 February 2021

Where'er I go - Carl Olof Rosenius

Where'er I go, in mountains, woods, or valleys,
With me goes a Friend, I hear His voice,
Warns me, though invisible, and peace He grants me,
Words of comfort speaks, and I rejoice.
'Tis the shepherd kind, who died to save me,
But He lives in all eternity,
Leads His sheep, and faithfully He feeds them,
He's the shepherd, who sets free.

All that I will need to all eternity,
All in all I have in this my Friend,
All that can distress and now afflict me
Well He knows, and helps me to the end.
Sometimes He upon whom I relied so
Leaves me, but He says: "A little time,
Then a little time and I will not go,"
Then there's joy and peace sublime.

When to Thomas in his doubt the Lord came,
Thomas walked in sorrow and despair,
Jesus hurried, called him and did exclaim:
"See my wounds and come and touch me there."
Thomas' heart did melt as He beheld him,
For he need not touch the sores at all,
Doubt did vanish, joy and love upheld him,
As he on his Lord did call.

Lead me, Lord, you who have known great sadness,
On this road that leads through deserts drear,
May my faith, in sorrow as in gladness,
Trust in you and know that you are near;
May I rest secure, await your greeting,
May I rise, clothed in your garments, free,
Blessed and saved, may I cry at our meeting,
"You're my Lord eternally!"

Carl Olof Rosenius (1816 -1868) Sweden
Translated by E. Einar Kron
Source: Hymns and Poems of Sweden, Translated by E. Einar Kron, Privately published, 1982

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