
Saturday 26 December 2020

Together and yet apart - Ketty Dan-Napwatt and Rebecca Tobo Olul-Hossen

Together and yet apart
Separated by a need greater than ourselves
Until the dawn when the roosters crow, together we shall be
I yearn for you even then
In our little grass house
Together and yet apart
Furtive sweet moments stolen or so it seems
Early morning’s urgent swims at Loanisiapu with the children
I yearn for you even then
In our little grass house


Waiting on arrival
Quietly watching
Unfamiliar yet patient

She disembarks
Unsuspecting and resigned
To an exile imposed
In unfamiliar isolation


Together and yet apart
Sweet ripe mango juice dripping down our chins
Walking down past Ilisi and New Castle to pick up ‘Mango Swit’
I yearn for you even then
In our little grass house
Together and yet apart
On the truck driving up Lowanialu with Yasur far below
At the airport leaving Entani for Port Vila
I yearn for you even now
And our little grass house


He approaches
As if on cue
To pick up her luggage
Their eyes meet

In that split second
Irrevocable and complete
Two hearts clung and beat
In faithful union.

Ketty Dan-Napwatt and Rebecca Tobo Olul-Hossen (20th century) Vanuatu
Source: Sista

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