
Wednesday 16 December 2020

Crossing Reality - Floarea Ţuţuianu

It’s Monday,
and from the kiosk on the corner
a croissant and a new poet under my arm
I start my Dublinesque odyssey

Today I leave imprints in the asphalt

This is the day when I take my face
for a walk past this city’s shop windows
(trembling they stare back at me)
The day when I and myself
go out together for a meal in town (standing)

I carry a poem with me (born in the metro)
Angels with haloes huffed from aurolac prayed for us
Careful as I usually am
I cross the street the poem on my lips
A car puts the brakes on reality
at my dreaming feet

“Hey, you, monthly poet
rapt in an illusion with a part at the back
walking in heels is like walking on water”

Floarea Ţuţuianu (20th century) Romania
Translated by Adam J. Sorkin and Irma Giannetti
Source: Diode

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