
Sunday 4 October 2020

King of the hosts - Pope Urban VIII

King of the hosts of heavenly birth, 
Thou Son, Redeemer of the earth, 
And Holy Ghost, the Paraclete, 
Bring to our souls thy solace sweet. 

O Trinity, to thee all praise 
Shall rise unto the end of days; 
Upraise and guide each struggling soul 
From evil thoughts and deeds of dole. 

Let not our footsteps tend or stray 
Along the dark forbidden way; 
But like thy heavenly company, 
Rejoice in love and light with thee. 

O Trinity forevermore, 
Thee do we honor, praise, adore, 
To thee be blessings, thanks and love 
In earth below and heaven above. 

Pope Urban VIII (1568 - 1644) Italy
Translated by Daniel J. Donahoe
Source: Early Christian hymns, Series II : translations of the verses of the early and middle ages
by Daniel Joseph Donahoe, Donahoe pub. co., 1911

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