
Sunday 25 October 2020

Christ The Word! - Bishop Nektarios of Aegina

Christ The Word! Thine Incarnation
Links my nature to Thine own;
By Thy sore Humiliation,
I am lifted to Thy throne;
By Thy suffering Thou hast fired me
With a zeal to sacrifice,
And to noble life inspired me,—
Hence my grateful songs arise.

Word of God! Thy Crucifixion
Hath upraised me from the earth;
By Thy death and dereliction,
Thou hast given me nobler birth;
By Thy Resurrection glorious,
Life immortal now I own,—
Hence ascend my songs victorious
To Thy praise, O Christ the Son.

By Thy hand at the creation,
Thou didst form me from the ground,
And, to mark my kingly station,
With Thine image I was crowned;
And that hand, when pierced and bleeding,
Raised me from corruption’s mire,
And, though all this love unheeding,
Decked me with divine attire.

Thou who gav’st my soul its being,
Breathing in me life divine,
Didst, by Thine all-wise decreeing,
Unto death Thy life resign;
And from death my soul defending,
Thou didst sojourn with the dead,
That Thou mightst, my fetters rending,
Raise me up, Thou Glorious Head!

Shame be on your heads abiding,
Disobedient people now,
Who to death, and vile deriding,
Caused the Word of God to bow!
Shame! for death, nor powers infernal,
Nor the dark of hades’ gloom,
Could retain the King Eternal
In the bondage of the tomb.

Bishop Nektarios of Aegina [born Anastasios Kephalas] (1846 -m 1920) Greece
Translated by John Brownlie
Source: Hymns From the Morningland Being Translations, Centos and suggestions from the service books of The Holy Eastern Church, John Brownlie, Alexander Gardner, 1911

1 comment:

  1. Hello, I am Mariana from Bucharest and please, if possible, allow me to print this poem, translated into Romanian, in my anthology of religious poetry. I am waiting for your reply to the address


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