
Tuesday 8 September 2020

I, environment - Djeri Wapondi

I, environment I moan, I agonize
By compassion, the ozone layer reddens, roars and shatters.
To save me and to save you,
listen and write down this ordinance and recommendation
for such evil is its remedy and action.

Lead me to an ecological restoration
without overexploitation of my authentic resources
Take part in the reproduction of my species
Develop, reforest, regenerate my forests, my flora.
Protect my arable land
and preserve the hydraulic system.
This is your mission.

Your mission is to make clear plans
Act, become aware of the value of the planet.
And so you who are looking at me
quickly stop making a messy bush
Stop polluting the air
and instead create oases in the deserts
Let a music soil of the ecosystem.
Sprout love around you
Make peace your law, your faith
Love your environment as yourself.

Me environment I moan, I agonize
By compassion lying ozone blushes
roars and shatters.
To save me and to save you
continue by listening and writing down
this ordinance and recommendation
because such evil is its remedy and action.

Avoid anarchic dumps.
Instead, have public bins
Sorts and recycles your waste.
Clean country, clean neighborhood,
clean city, healthy people.
Love your environment like yourself.

As you dress fashionably, decorate your house cleanly.
Unplug the appliances and
turn off the light when you leave your home
because saving money is ecological.
Love your environment like yourself.

Avoid being a coward without conscience
Or rather a boss of science
Put a little humanism in your technology
To serve and assert what is right ecology.
Love your environment like yourself.

Peasants and cultivators practice the cultivar actor.
Give nations food sovereignty
With passion and self-sacrifice feed the earth
for healthy harvests of life-giving delights
Love your environment as yourself.
Love your environment like yourself.

Djeri Wapondi (born 1991) Togo

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