
Sunday 12 July 2020

Undismayed by any fortune - Ambrosius Stub

Undismayed by any fortune
Life may have in store for me,
This, whatever be my portion,
I will always try to be.
If I but in grace abide,
Undismayed whate’er betide.

Undismayed when others harry
Mind and soul with anxious care;
If the Lord with me will tarry,
All my troubles disappear.
If I but in grace abide,
Undismayed whate’er betide.

Undismayed when others sighing,
Quail before the evil day,
On God’s grace I am relying;
Nothing can me then dismay.
If I but in grace abide,
Undismayed whate’er betide.

Undismayed when others fearing,
See the hour of death draw nigh.
With the victor’s crown appearing,
Why should I repine and sigh.
If I but in grace abide,
Undismayed whate’er betide.

Dearest Lord, if I may treasure
Thy abundant grace each day,
I shall cherish Thy good pleasure,
Be my portion what it may.
If I but in grace abide,
Undismayed whate’er betide.

Ambrosius Stub (1705-1758) Denmark
Translated by J. C. Aaberg
Source: Hymns and Hymnwriters of Denmark by J. C. Aaberg, The Committee on Publication
of the Danish Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, 1945 [Christian Classics Ethereal Library]

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