
Sunday 28 June 2020

The Joys of Heaven - Thomas à Kempis

What gladsome voices rise
Through the country of the skies,
Where the Christ, with joyful face,
Smiles with Mary full of grace.
Choirs of Angels stand and sing
Praises unto God, the King;
Stand before his throne above,
Singing praise from souls of love;
Harp and zither sound on high;
Winged musicians throng the sky;
Robed in white, sweet bells they ring.
Bowing to the Triune King,
Singing all in sweet accord;
" Holy, holy, holy Lord"

In that city of high peace
Grief is dead and wailings cease;
All in rapturous voice unite
Praising God, the Lord of Light;
For, afire with love, they see,
Crystal-clear, the Trinity,
Whom the Seraphim adore,
Bowed in love forevermore;
Whom the Cherubim revere
Honouring with heavenly cheer;
And the Thrones of Majesty
Ever laud and glorify.

Oh, what blessed joys abound
Where eternal love is found!
Where both men and angels sing
Love and praise to God the King.
Glorious city, wondrous fair,
What tranquillity is there!
In its light the dwellers shine
Robed in chastity divine;
By the law of love made free
All are bound in unity
There no labour wears, nor care;
No temptation vexeth there ;
But in peace and pleasure sweet
Heaven's rich joys are found complete.

O, Qualis Quantaque Laetitia 

Thomas à Kempis (1380 - 1471) The Netherlands (born in Germany but left at age 12)
Translated by Daniel Joseph Donahoe
Source: Early Christian hymns: translations of the verses of the most noted Latin writers of the early and middle ages, Daniel Joseph Donahoe, Grafton Press, 1908

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