
Wednesday 17 June 2020

Reflections on Death and Life..! - Norddine Zouitni

Death is
a cosmic joke
and deserves
a cosmic giggle…
More so
the fear of
which is the fear
to lose Ego..
Ego=Body and the face…
in fact
that which has never been
Death is
a cosmic joke
and you fear it,
for deep within
you fear
Life=that which is the real you,
that which you never
The guru says:
Put Death to death…
For only then
you bring Life
Back to life…
The real you
back to You!

“Whoever tries to keep their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life will preserve it”

Norddine Zouitni (20th century) Morocco
Source: Norddine Zouitni's Facebook page, posted 13 January 2016

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