
Sunday 21 June 2020

Adorable Things - Sei Shōnagon

The face of a child drawn on a melon.

A baby of two or so is crawling, rapidly along the ground. With his sharp eyes he catches sight of a tiny object and, picking it up with his pretty little fingers, takes it to show to a grown-up person.

A baby sparrow that comes hopping up when one imitates the squeak of a mouse; or again, when one has tied it with a thread round its leg and its parents bring insects or worms and pop them in its mouth: delightful!

One picks up a pretty baby and holds him for a while in one's arms; while one is fondling him, he clings to one's neck and then falls asleep.

Pretty, white chicks who are still not fully fledged and look as if their clothes are too short

Sei Shōnagon (c. 966 - c.1025) Japan
Translated by Ivan Morris
Source: The Pillow-Book of Sei Shōnagon Translated by Ivan Morris, Columbia University Press, 1991

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