
Thursday 21 May 2020

Without love Joy's royal palms lament - Lope Félix de Vega Carpio

Without love Joy's royal palms lament
too well, and cast away their branches to the sea;
without love Daphne mourns her lonely tree
of laurel without fruit: and, over discontent,

 Anaxart's ghost grieves at its ponderous stone
because she never paid tribute to love's delight,
Narcissus spins his soul out into petals white,
and the dry meadow bears but weeds alone.

 Yet sand & water's love-affairs engender gold.
And from their affection with th'dew, sea shells
pregnant become with pearls crystal-fold:

 Do not reject me, Lucinda: th'hells
of evening rise anon. Anon the last lilies do lose
their luster, and our must its youth

Lope Félix de Vega Carpio (1562 - 1635) Spain
Translated by S.D. Rodrian
Source: The Stories and Poems of S. D. Rodrian

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