
Sunday 24 May 2020

The Arabian Desert's dust - Imam Ahmad Raza

The Arabian Desert's dust radiates more than the dawn light;
The Arabian lamp's smoke shines more than the Moon at night.

What an eternal spring prevails over the Arabian garden;
Even tender flowers do not wither away in the autumn season.

If the Arabian desert's thorn pierces the vernal vein,
From the cloud the blood of Heavenly flowers would rain.

Arabs and non-Arabs alike long to drink the Heavenly waters;
The banks of Heavenly rivers pray for early Arabian showers.

The chains of sorrow will fall down with a nightingale's feather,
If the Arabian cypress decides to set us free forever.

The sun will reappear shining brightly from behind a cloud,
If the generous Arabian sky would clear away its shroud.

The bird who brings messages for the Arabian Solomon, the wise,
Has brought Sheba's merciful good news from Paradise.

The Egyptian women cut their fingers when Yusuf came;
The Arabian men sacrifice their heads to uphold your name.

Every lane with Yusuf 's shirt smells sweet;
The Arabians streets arc like Kanan's fragrant street.

Memories of our Prophet's visit inspire the Heavenlv Domain;
For us the source of eternal life is the Arabian fountain.

 How excellent are the titles which Gabriel got from his master,
"Leader of the Angels", "Servant of the Arabian ruler".

Beware! The Arabian lamps laugh at the Sun and Moon;
Oh Lovers! Become water-lilies, pigeons or nightingales soon.

Leave alone the Hoor, talk to Moses, the blessed!
Allah is in Love with his Arabian Beloved.

It is not beyond Muslim religious poetry's power,
To make the non-Arab Raza, the Arabian Hassan's follower.

Imam Ahmad Raza Khan Barelvi [Rahmatullahi Alaih or Ala'Hazrat] (1856 - 1921) India
Translated by Professor G.D. Qureshi
Source: Imam Ahmad Raza's Religious Poetry, Translated by Professor G.D. Qureshi, Vision Islamic Publications, 1996

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