
Sunday 31 May 2020

Of Flash Mobs and a Foreshadowing - L.M. Kazmierczak

Originally 120 men
Put together the first singing stint.
No divisions among them,
Singing out to their hearts' content.

T'was Solomon's temple dedication
When the priests put on their presentation.
Filling the room with raised voices
Cymbals and trumpets accompanying their choruses.

When a great cloud descended among them
That sapped the strength of knees to fall on
The praise and glory of God in that kingdom
Was made memorable to all witnesses from then on.

Another group of 120 men of favor
Came together as advised by The Savior.
But instead of any man-made instrument
A mighty wind blew through that upper apartment.

With voices raised in articulations
In foreign languages, giving adulations!
Tourists and natives alike witnessed, smacked-gob
Echoing that foreshadowed time - a heavenly flash mob.

L.M. [Laurie] Kazmierczak (20th century) USA

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