
Sunday 17 May 2020

Ascension - Adam of St. Victor

Satan and the realms infernal
Having spoiled, to joys supernal
Christ returneth back once more:
As His upward way He wendeth,
As before, when He descendeth,
Angels set them to adore.

As above the stars He goeth.
Here no more Himself He showeth,
Bodily, to mortal sight;
But all rule to Him is given,
Who is with His Sire in Heaven
One in majesty and might.

Victor now, from perils warded,
He in heaven hath been accorded
Empire over all therein:
Nevermore shall He be dying,
Nevermore through death supplying
Means to purify man's sin.

Once for all He took our nature,
Once He suffered, once, a creature,
Was for sin content to die:
Further pain shall He know never,
But, in perfect peace for ever.
Compass endless joys on high.

Thus He spake, as He ascended;
These things straitly He commanded.
And impressed upon His own:
"Go through all the world and preach ye,
Every nation therein teach ye
Both by word and wonder done.

"For I go unto My Father,
To return, as ye may gather.
Since shall come a Comforter,
Who shall make you bold and fearless,
Of all consequences careless,
Eloquent in speech and clear.

"Those laid low by sickness on them,
When ye lay your hands upon them.
Shall their former health regain:
All things hurtful and annoying,
With all deadly snakes, destroying.
Ye shall drive out plagues and pain.

"Whosoever but believeth,
And with simple faith receiveth
Baptism's sure remedy,
Shall be cleansed from all transgression,
And have with the saints possession
Of eternal joys on high!" Amen.

Adam of St. Victor (1112 - 1146) France
Translated by Digby Strangeways Wrangham
Source: The liturgical poetry of Adam of St. Victor: from the text of Gautier
Léon Gautier & Digby Strangeways Wrangham, K. Paul, Trench, 1881

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