
Wednesday 15 April 2020

Can I dream? - Ali Znaidi

Can a veiled woman sit next to a woman in a miniskirt?
Can they sit harmoniously beside each other telling tales?
Can they tell each other stories? Can they converse
without fearing that understanding between them fails?

Can an unveiled woman sit beside a bearded man
without being called a whore by that man with a beard?
Because only God the Knower knows her inside,
and not that man who is counting his bead.

Can I hear the call of prayer echoing from a minaret?
Can I hear a church bell ringing and a chazzan singing?
Can I hear all those sounds in just one place
where waters of tolerance are harmoniously springing?

Can I dream of a world where religions and thoughts
flow spontaneously like a river, like a stream?
Can I dream that this stream won’t be blocked
to avoid wars and children’s tears and scream?

Can I dream of a world where people of all creeds
peacefully share the same slice of bread?
We are all humans. We eat, breathe, bleed,
dream, and on the same earth we all tread.

Ali Znaidi (born 1977) Tunisia
Source: UniVerse

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