
Sunday 22 March 2020

Golden light, serene and bright - N. F. S. Grundtvig

Golden light, serene and bright,
The sky is now adorning;
As sleeping child in mother's arm,
My God has shielded me from harm;
I thank him for the morning.

Golden light, serene and bright,
Is shed upon my labour;
As birds their morning son employ,
I praise my God for life and joy
To me and to my neighbour.

Golden light, serene and bright,
To me is life and gladness,
For I am happy every day
I walk upon the narrow way
With God through joy or sadness.

Now I pray that God today
Will send to me his blessing;
My daily task I then fulfill
According to his holy will,
His wondrous peace possessing.

N. F. S. Grundtvig [Nikolaj Frederik Severin] (1783 – 1872) Denmark
Translated by Fed C.M. Hansen

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