
Sunday 19 January 2020

Dayspring of eternity - Christian Knorr von Rosenroth

Dayspring of eternity,
Light of Light, from God proceeding,
On this morn we turn to Thee,
For Thy radiant brightness pleading.
Let Thy beams dispel with might
Sin's dark night.

Send Thy grace like morning dew,
Deign our conscience thus to quicken;
Let life's meadow bloom anew,
Heal all hearts with sorrow stricken,
And Thy ransomed ones restore

In Thy love's unchanging glow,
May our coldness swiftly perish,
And may we in fervor grow,
As each morning's light we cherish.
Daily, like the sun, may we
Rise with Thee.

O celestial Sun of grace,
May Thy rays ne'er be denied us;
Let them thro' this desert place
And to yonder mansions guide us,
Where Thy saints in glory stay,
Blest for aye.

Christian Knorr von Rosenroth (1636 – 1689) Germany
Translated by Herman Brueckner

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