
Sunday 26 January 2020

And after death the judgement - Rāmprasād Sen

O my Mind, what charge shall I bring against thee?
Thou knowest how to say śa and ba1,
but knowest not the names of Durgā and of Śiva.
Jilipīs, khājās, luchīs, mandās, sarbhājās2
all these hast thou eaten.

But when I die, my Mind,
then wilt thou learn the fun of it.
How can I keep house with the Five Senses,
with their fivefold appetites?

O Mind, if thou dost steal and practise seduction,
upon me must come the just punishment.

Rāmprasād Sen (Sadhak Rāmprasād Sen) (1718 - 1775) India
Translated by Edward J. Thompson and Arthur Marshman Spencer
Source: Bengali Religious Lyrics, Śākta, selected and translated by Edward J. Thompson and Arthur Marshman Spencer, Association Press, 1923
  1. Obscenities
  2. Sweetmeats

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