
Sunday 1 December 2019

Ten Warnings to the Congregation - Jakushitsu Genkō

1. Always bear in mind that life, whose gravest problems are birth and death, is impermanent.

2. In order to avoid violating commandments, govern mind and body.

3. Take care not to adhere to nothingness, nor brag of your industry, nor backslide into the views of the Sravaka-Pratyeka Buddhist.

4. Regulating mind and body, avoiding all illusions, sit fast in Zen.

5. If you would avoid the tenebrous cave of demons, do not mistake mere divine illumination for satori.

6. Do not indulge in eating and sleeping. Spine like an iron bolt, sit night and day in Zen.

7. Scrutinize your Original Face, which had its being long before the birth of your parents.

8. Weigh your koan to the minutest detail, but do not be impatient to gain satori.

9. Rather than spend aeons without an awakening, have no second thoughts.

10. Clearly understanding the Grand Law, be firm in resolution, preserve all Buddha-wisdom.

Jakushitsu Genkō (1290 - 1367) Japan
Translated by Lucien Stryk & Takashi Ikemoto
Source: Zen Masters

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