
Wednesday 18 December 2019

Lines to Haroun and Yahia - Isaac Al Mouseli

Th' affrighted sun ere while he fled,
    And hid his radiant face in night;
A cheerless gloom the world o'erspread
    But Haroun came and all was bright.

Again the sun shoots forth his rays,
    Nature is decked in beauty's robe
For mighty Haroun's scepter sways,
    And Yahia's arm sustains the globe.

Isaac Al Mouseli (undated, probably 9th century) Iraq
Translator not stated
Source: The sacred books and early literature of the East; with an historical survey and descriptions
Charles Francis Horne, Parke Austin & Lipscomb, 1917
Haroun is Harun al-Rashid, 5th Caliph of the Abbasid Caliphate (786 – 809) and Yahia is Yahya the Barmakid, his chief vizier

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