
Sunday 3 November 2019

The Very Self of the Self - Aïda Touré

Peel the golden layer off of you,
lo! Another one appears,
you are made of bouncy
luxurious particles
that ever reach for love,
Beauty appears from
this continual leaning
toward grace~

La ilaha illa Allah
uncover who you are,
between the praises and
the pauses caused by pain,
your soul is one elegant lover
whose movements brush Light,
embrace this delight
let us hear the holy recital
you were made to vehicle~

this intimate contact
sparked all magnificence
you see in life,
no one lives outside of it;
it’s the very self of the self!
Come in, leap in this fiery
divine romance within, there,
the Sufis gather in awe
of your soul’s buoyancy~

Aïda Touré (20th century) Gabon

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