
Sunday 24 November 2019

Raga Asa - Baba Sheikh Farid

True lovers are those
who love with all their hearts.
Those who think of another,
speak of another
are called false lovers.

Those steeped in the colour
of God's love
abide in His care.
Those who forget His name
are a burden upon earth.

Those whom He gathers
become dervishes at His door.
Exalted are the mothers of such men
who gave them birth,
blessed is their coming into the world.

You are caring, infinite,
boundless, endless.
Those who have discerned
this truth,
their feet, their mouths I kiss.

You are my protection
O Lord, my salvation.
Grant to Sheikh Farid
the blessing
of Your adoration.

Baba Sheikh Farid (1173 - 1266) Pakistan
Translated by Nirmal Dass
Source: Poetry Chaikhana

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