
Tuesday 5 November 2019

I know I can - Esther Mbale

Growing up,
I accepted what society gave me
I accepted that women should lean on men
It was normal seeing a man beat his wife
I thought that was sign of a strength
I accepted what I was told: that only men are intelligent
And that I had to stay at home and avoid academic disgrace
The sky was the limit for men,
and the house roof was the limit for women
A woman’s place was the kitchen and the other room
Men belonged in the public arena
Men were dominant
Those were the norms,
I accepted them.

Now I know
I should not have accepted what society said
I know women are abused psychologically and physically
I also know women can do what men can do
Women are intelligent just like men;
Providing education for all
From now onwards I will:
change my way of thinking
fight for my own entitlements
I refuse to be pulled down
I will take part in changing the world into a better place
I refuse to believe that my place is the home
I will be where I want to be
I will strive for excellence
Because I know I can.

Esther Mbale (21st century) Malawi
Source: Makewana's Daughters

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