
Thursday 3 October 2019

We are Brothers - Mugurditch Beshiktashlian

From glorious Nature’s myriad tongues
Though songs be breathed by lips of love,
And though the maiden’s fingers fair
Across the thrilling harp-strings rove,
Of all earth’s sounds, there is no other
So lovely as the name of brother.

Clasp hands, for we are brothers dear,
Of old by tempest rent apart;
The dark designs of cruel Fate
Shall fail, when heart is joined to heart.
What sound, beneath the stars aflame,
So lovely as a brother’s name?

And when our ancient Mother-Land
Beholds her children side by side,
The dews of joyful tears shall heal
Her heart’s sad wounds, so deep and wide.
What sound, beneath the stars aflame,
So lovely as a brother’s name?

We wept together in the past;
Let us unite in harmony
And blend again our tears, our joys;
So shall our efforts fruitful be.
What sound, beneath the stars aflame,
So lovely as a brother’s name?

Together let us work and strive,
Together sow, with toil and pain,
The seed that shall, with harvest blest,
Make bright Armenia’s fields again.
What sound, beneath the stars aflame,
So lovely as a brother’s name?

Mugurditch Beshiktashlian (1829 - 1868) Armenia
Translated by Alice Stone Blackwell
Source: Armenian Poems Rendered into English verse by Alice Stone Blackwell, Robert Chambers, 1917 [on]

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