
Friday 18 October 2019

In two ways have I loved Thee - Rabi’a of Basri

In two ways have I loved Thee: selfishly,
And with a love that worthy is of Thee.
In selfish love my joy in Thee I find.
While to all else and others, I am blind.
But in that love which seeks Thee worthily,
The veil is raised that I may look on Thee.
Yet, is the praise in that or this not mine,
In this and that the praise is wholly Thine.

Rabi’a of Basri (Rabi’ah al-’Adawiyyah al-Qaysiyya, also known as Rabi’a Adawiya) (717 – 801) Iraq
Translated by N. Hanif
Source: Biographical Encyclopaedia of Sufis: Central Asia and Middle East, N. Hanif, Sarup & Sons, 2002
Rabi’a was the 4th child hence her name which means literally that, and Basri refers to her place of birth (Basra). She is revered as a Muslim saint and Sufi mystic. Her many poems were not written so have been passed on as oral tradition until they were recorded in writing.

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