
Saturday 8 June 2019

The lay of Our Lady (IV) - Frauenlob

Do not deny,
Too shy, the joy,
When he thee did ply —
The King, — to go into his garden
Sweet warden.
Thee greeting:
How now, love, maid, come let us sweetly leisure!
We'll treasure,
Nor measure,
Our joy; sweet wine with milk mixed sweetly drinking
Mixed oh, so rare,

Come, dearest, say
What gay sweet play
Love's lips wrought that day!
When through your wall the watch came breaking
And taking
Your mantle?
"What hunt ye, maid, so late around the city?
In pity
Tell, pretty!
We'll bring your love, with your wounds faint and sinking,
So threefold fair,
So gentle!"

Heinrich (Henry of Meissen or Heinrich von Meißen) Frauenlob (c.1250 – 1318) Germany
Translated by A.R. Kroeger
Source: Frauenlob's Cantioca Canticorum or The lay of Our Lady translated by by A.R. Kroeger, Gray S. Baker, 1877

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