
Sunday 28 April 2019

Only a bird - Śrî Ānanda Āchārya

I am not God nor His messenger—
I am only a singing bird.

I am not a Poet nor his Muse—
I am only a singing bird.

I am not prophet, I am not sage-
I am only a singing bird.

I fly in the heavens across the seas
and come to sing at thy door,

Each dawn when the morning god
smiles on the ocean,

Each eve when the twilight god
sings at earth’s ends,

Each night when the god of thy heart
sits in silence, alone with the god of my heart.

Śrî Ānanda Āchārya (Surenda Nath Baral) (1881 - 1945) India, lived in Norway from 1917
Source: Snow-Birds, Śrî Ānanda Āchārya, Macmillian & Co., 1919

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