
Wednesday 17 April 2019

Come Away, My Love - Joseph Kariuki

Come away, my love, from streets
Where mankind eyes divide,
And show windows reflect our difference.
In the shelter of my faithful room rest.

There, safe from opinions, being behind
Myself, I can see only you
And in my dark eyes your grey
Will dissolve

The candlelight throws
Two dark shadows on the wall
Which merge into one as I close beside you.

When at last the lights are out,
And I feel your hand in mine,
Two human breaths join in one,
And the piano weaves
Its unchallenged harmony.

Joseph Kariuki (20th century) Kenya
Source: African Book Review


  1. Hello dear Brucespoems.

    Great work you are doing here.

    I have been trying to get one of Wole Soyinka's poem titled CHAIRMAN but I have been meeting a dead end.

    Can you please be of help here?


    1. Hi Abidemi EA - I'm afraid I don't know the answer to your question, but perhaps someone else reading this page might?

  2. Please I need the full analysis of this poem, come away my love by Joseph kariuki

  3. Hi Oluwatoyin - I can't really give a full analysis as I'm not a poetry expert, just a poetry lover. However here's my view on what this poem is about.

    1. Basically it describes love between a black man and a white woman (And in my dark eyes your grey) which society sees as forbidden (Where mankind eyes divide).

    2. In order to be able to pursue their love they have to meet indoors (Come away, my love, from streets ... In the shelter of my faithful room rest. There, safe from opinions)

    3. The use of candlelight and shadow imagery highlights the fact that though society may see them as different, really they are equal and the same (third stanza).

    4. The last stanza explains how they become one when they make love, and rise above and conquer all the societal prejudices to produce a harmony that's like music.

    5. You could also read this as a commentary on racial prejudice, but in my view although the poet wanted to write about prejudice, actually he was more interested in how the lovers overcome prejudice than in any overly political commentary.

    I hope this helps.

  4. Please I need the analysis of the poem

  5. Please see my reply to Oluwatoyin, above

  6. Thanks for the clear and simple analysis of the poem " come away my love"
    The subject matters for the poem sees to be similar, such as love,harmony, protection...,

    Please I needs your help Bruce's poetry for themes in the poem " come away my love"

    Thanks Bruce's poetry!

    1. I need the analysis of the this poem can you help me please

    2. Please can you help me with the analysis of this poem

  7. Thanks for the clear and well explanation of the poem " come away my love".

    Please Bruce's poetry, I helps on the theme and the figure of speech in the poem " come away my love ".


  8. Hi Sophia, I’m guessing that you (and others here) are asking because this poem is being used in an English Lit course somewhere? If that’s the case the danger is that that (a) I’m doing your work for you, and (b) what I come up with may not be the same as what the “official” analysis says!

    However, I’d say the main themes here are:
    1. The impact of prejudice on relationships
    2. How love can overcome prejudice
    3. The paradox of light and darkness - this one may need some explanation, so my take on it is that the lovers have to hide away from the “light” by meeting secretly at night (dark) so light is bad and dark is good (the opposite of the usual use of light and dark), and that in the darkness they appear the same. However they also use their own light (candlelight) and this emphasises their sameness because their shadows are the same colour.

    I hope that helps.

    1. Kindly analyze for me the poem 'release' by Joseph kariuki using form and content

    2. Please see my comments about answers to these questions. I think you need to do your own analysis, but I have given some pointers in my answers above. This is, after all, a personal blog and not an English Lit web site :)

    3. I like your talent sir/ma

    4. Please in about 150 words summarise thé poem in tout own understanding

  9. Thanks Bruce poetry.. please what are the poetic devices used in the poem

    1. All these questions about this poem! I think there must be an analysis question in an English Lit paper somewhere! Sorry: I don't really want to add any more to what I've already written above. I'm not a poetry expert and these are my own interpretations. I think you guys need to figure things out for yourselves!

  10. You did great Bruce, This one of my favorite poem I recited in High school over three decades ago.

  11. Who can help me in explaining the relevance of the piano in the context of the piano's message

  12. What is the subject matter?

  13. Could you please, go through literary devices , that the writer used ?

  14. Terkaa Demesughter Shadrach17 February 2024 at 16:58

    I think the poet want to convey the oppression and subjugation they are facing as Africans (Blacks)


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