
Friday 1 March 2019

The Prophecy - Taliesin

               A dragon fire-breathing,
               In horrid coils wreathing
Shall fly from the East with armed pinions outspread,
               To subdue and enthral
               Broad Britaindom all,
From Lochlan's loud ocean to calm Severn's bed.

               The brave British men
               Shall fall captive then
To fierce stranger hosts from Saxonia's strand.
               To their God they shall hold
               And their speech, as of old,
But keep only wild Wales out of all their wide land.

Taliesin (Taliessyn) (534 - 559) Wales
Translated by Alfred Perceval Graves
Source: Welsh poetry old and new, in English verse by Alfred Perceval Graves, Longmans, Green, and co., 1912

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