
Sunday 24 March 2019

Cry Hari - Jnāneśvar

Stand at the door of God
One moment nigh,—
Thou hast the fourfold bliss
Obtained thereby.

Cry "Hari,"1 cry aloud,
Let the name ring;
So thou shalt merit gain
Past reckoning.

Dwell in the world, but still
Cry out amain,
Witness the ancient saints,
Thou shalt attain.

Yea (hark to Jňānadev2)
Vyāsa3 has told
How to the Pāņḍavs' house
God came of old.

Jnāneśvar (also: Dnyaneshwar, Jnaneshwar, or Mauli) (1275 - 1296) India
Translated by Nicol Macnicol
Source: Psalms of Maratha saints: one hundred and eight hymns translated from the Marathi by Nicol Macnicol, Oxford University Press, 1920
  1. Hari, one of the names of Visnu or Krisna, popularly interpreted to mean "the remover of sin."
  2. Jňānadev, a variant of the author's name, Jnāneśvar
  3. Vyāsa, the traditional author of the great epic, the Mahabharata the theme of which is the fortunes of five brothers, the Pāņḍavas

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