
Friday 21 December 2018

I will forget - Alice Furlong

            I will forget
The moaning of the sea about Aran;
            Green beaches wet,
            And grey rocks barren —
The sea-moan, against rocks that hinder and let!
(I said, and in my saying, remembered yet.)

            I am the cry of the sea
            Moaning about the rocks of Aran.
Ye are the rocks, cold rocks unmoved by me,
            dark-eyed people of Aran.

            I will forget
The dark-eyed people of the Isles of the Old Sea:
Mairead-bheag, and Donal who talked with the Sidh
The dark-eyed people have their own fret,
            Have their own glee.
            I will forget,
(I say, and in my saying, remember yet.)

Alice Furlong (1875 - 1946) Ireland
Source: The book of Irish poetry by Alfred Perceval Graves, The Talbot Press, 1917

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