
Saturday 24 November 2018

Far as I journey from my lady fair - Johannes Hadloub

Far as I journey from my lady fair,
I have a messenger who quickly goes,
Morning, and noon, and at the evening’s close:
Where’er she wanders, he pursues her there.
  A restless, faithful, secret messenger
Well may he be, who, from my heart of hearts,
Charged with love’s deepest secrets, thus departs,
      And wings his way to her!
’Tis every thought I form that doth pursue
          Thee, lady fair!
          Ah! would that there
My wearied self had leave to follow too!

Johannes Hadloub (1280 - c.1340) Switzerland
Translated by Edgar Taylor
Source: The Library of the World’s Best Literature In Thirty Volumes Founded by Charles Dudley Warner, Warner Libraray Co., 1917

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