
Wednesday 19 September 2018

Wisdom - Denis V. Davydov

While quaffing the grape's ruby nectar.
All sportingly, laughingly gay,
We determined— I, Silvya, and Hector —
To drive old dame Wisdom away.

"Oh, my children, take care!" said the beldame;
''Attend to these counsels of mine:
Get not tipsy, for danger is seldom
Remote from the goblet of wine."

"With thee in his company, no man
Can err," said our wag, with a wink;
"But come, thou good-natured old woman.
Take a pull at our flagon, and drink!"

She frowned, but her scruples soon twisting.
Consented, and smilingly said:
''So polite — there's indeed no resisting,
And Wisdom was always well-bred."

She drank, but continued her teaching:
"Let the wise from indulgence refrain;"
And never gave over her preaching
But to say, "Fill my goblet again."

And she drank, and she tottered, but still she
Was talking, and shaking her head,
Mutt'ring "Temperance," "Prudence," until she
By Folly was carried to bed.

Denis V. Davydov (1784 - 1839) Russia
Translator not given
Source: The world's wit and humor: an encyclopedia of the classic wit and humor of all ages and nations, Vol. XIV, edited by Lionel Strachey, Review of Reviews Company, 1906

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