
Sunday 2 September 2018

O Jesus, Joy of Angel Choirs - Rabanus Maurus

O Jesus, joy of angel choirs.
Thou Sire and Saviour of the race,
Illume our souls with pure desires,
And lead us heavenward by thy grace.

Let Michael, messenger of peace,
Visit our temples, day and night;
For in his presence wars shall cease
And love shall fill the world with light.

Let Gabriel's arm of flame and power
Protect us from the ancient foe,
And be to us a shielding tower
To guard us in our strife below.

Let blessed Raphael's healing hand
Uplift us; him we need and seek
To guide us to the heavenly land,
To raise the faint and nerve the weak.

And Virgin Mother of the Light,
Thou hope of souls, thou heavenly Queen,
Assist us by thy gentle might
And light us home in rays serene.

So God shall heed and help our needs,
The Sire, the sole-begotten Son,
And Spirit who from both proceeds,
Forever reigning three in one.

Rabanus Maurus (780 - 856) Germany
Translated by Daniel Joseph Donahoe
Source: Early Christian hymns: translations of the verses of the most noted Latin writers of the early and middle ages, by Daniel Joseph Donahoe, Grafton Press, 1908

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