
Sunday 1 July 2018

Once again I am overwhelmed - Imam Ahmad Raza

Once again I am overwhelmed by the ecstasies of Arabia,
My heart is again bewitched by the charms of Arabia.

Nightingales go to the gardens in Heaven from Arabia,
Sweet desert of Arabia, rare desert of Arabia.

Non-Arabs and Arabs admiringly follow your examples;
Both are your most obedient and loyal disciples.

My eyes shed tears of blood and affection for Arabia.
The mine which produced two precious pearls of Zehra.

A true heart falls in love with Arabia at first sight
An observant eye appreciates Arabia with the heart's insight.

My longings and prayers increase my dismay,
Because the lovely desert of Arabia is so far away.

Imam Ahmad Raza Khan Barelvi [Rahmatullahi Alaih or Ala'Hazrat] (1856 - 1921) India
Translated by Professor G.D. Qureshi
Source: Imam Ahmad Raza's Religious Poetry, Translated by Professor G.D. Qureshi, Vision Islamic Publications, 1996

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