
Monday 18 June 2018

Time’s Revenge - Agathias Scholasticus

She, who but late in beauty’s flower was seen,
Proud of her auburn curls and noble mien—
Who froze my hopes and triumphed in my fears,
Now sheds her graces in the waste of years.
Changed to unlovely is that breast of snow,
And dimmed her eye, and wrinkled is her brow;
And querulous the voice by time repressed,
Whose artless music stole me from my rest.
Age gives redress to love; and silvery hair
And earlier wrinkles brand the haughty fair.

Agathias [Agathias Scholasticus of Myrina] (536 - 582) Turkey
Translated by Robert Bland
Source: Selections from the Greek Anthology by Graham R. Tomson (pseudonym of Rosamund Marriott Watson), Scott, c. 1895

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