
Thursday 7 June 2018

Intoxication - Li Bai

What is life, after all, but a dream,
And why should such pother be made?
Better far to be tipsy, I deem,
And doze all day long in the shade.

When I wake, and look out on the lawn,
I hear 'mid the flowers a bird sing;
I ask, "Is it evening, or dawn?"
The mango-bird whistles, "'Tis spring!"

O'erpower'd with the beautiful sight.
Another full goblet I pour.
And would sing till the moon rises bright—
But soon I'm as drunk as before.

Li Bai (701 – 762) China
Also known as Li Po or Li-Tai Po
Translator not given
Source: The world's wit and humor: an encyclopedia of the classic wit and humor of all ages and nations, Vol XV, edited by Lionel Strachey, The Review of Reviews company, 1906

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