
Sunday 20 May 2018

The love of God - Bernard Rascas

All things that are on earth shall wholly pass away,
Except the love of God, which shall live and last for aye.
The forms of men shall be as they had never been;
The blasted groves shall lose their fresh and tender green;
The birds of the thicket shall end their pleasant song,
And the nightingale shall cease to chant the evening long.
The kine of the pasture shall feel the dart that kills.
And all the fair white flocks shall perish from the hills.
The goat and antlered stag, the wolf and the fox.
The wild boar of the wood, and the chamois of the rocks.
And the strong and fearless bear, in the trodden dust shall lie
And the dolphin of the sea, and the mighty whale, shall die.
And realms shall be dissolved, and empires be no more.
And they shall bow to death, who ruled from shore to shore;
And the great globe itself, so the Holy Writings tell,
With the rolling firmament, where the starry armies dwell,
Shall melt with fervent heat, — they shall all pass away,
Except the love of God, which shall live and last for aye!

Bernard Rascas (14th century) France
Translated by William Cullen Bryant
Source: World's great religious poetry by Caroline Miles Hill, New York,: The Macmillan company, 1923

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