
Friday 4 May 2018

Hatikvah—A Song of Hope - Naphtali Herz Imber

O while within a Jewish breast
  Beats true a Jewish heart,
And Jewish glances turning East
  To Zion fondly dart,—

  O then our Hope—it is not dead,
    Our ancient Hope and true,
  Again the sacred soil to tread
    Where David’s banners flew!

O while the tears flow down apace,
  And fall like bounteous rain,
And to the Fathers’ resting-place
  Sweeps on the mournful train,—

And while upon our eager eye
  Flashes the City’s wall,
And for the wasted Sanctuary
  The tear-drops trembling fall,—

O while the Jordan’s pent-up tide
  Leaps downward rapidly,
And while its gleaming waters glide
  Through Galilee’s blue sea,—

And while upon the Highway there
  Lowers the stricken Gate,
And from the Ruins Zion’s prayer
  Upriseth passionate,—

O while the pure floods of her eyes
  Flow for her People’s plight,
And Zion’s Daughter doth arise
  And weep the long, long night!—

O while through vein in ceaseless stream
  The bright blood pulses yet,
And on our Fathers’ tombs doth gleam
  The dew when sun is set!—

Hear, Brothers mine, where e’er ye be,
  This Truth by Prophet won;
“’Tis then our Hope shall cease to be
  With Israel’s last son!”—

Naphtali Herz Imber (1856 - 1909) Ukraine (died in USA)
Translated by Henry Snowman
Source: The Standard Book of Jewish Verse. compiled by Joseph Friedlander, New York: Dodd, Mead and Company, 1917

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