
Tuesday 6 March 2018

Have you heard it tell? - Fidelia Nimmons

Have you heard it tell that:
His Majesty Oba O’s country
Was abundantly rich in,
All manner of natural resources,
Rubber, cocoa, cotton, palm kernel and more.

Have you heard it tell that:
His Majesty Oba O’s country
Received annual tributes from
All neighbouring countries;
Yams, fabric, palm wine, kola nuts and more.

Have you heard it tell that:
His Majesty Oba O’s country
Had many elephant tusks;
Everyman gave one to the king,
Kept the other for himself.

Have you heard it tell that:
His Majesty Oba O’s country
Grew rich in ivory;
Oba O stacked ivory in his storerooms,
Instead of selling them to enrich himself.

Have you heard it tell that:
His Majesty Oba O’s country
Used ivory and imported expensive metal,
To record their history
For future generations to learn about.

Have you heard it tell that:
His Majesty Oba O’s country
Was vandalized by some savages;
They ransacked the storerooms
Taking all that history with them.

Have you heard it tell that:
His Majesty Oba O’s country’s
Crafted history in ivory and bronze,
Are in museums all over the world
For all generations to come.

Have you heard it tell that:
His Majesty Oba O  died
One hundred years ago;
That he will be remembered
For generations to come.

Have you heard it tell;
On January 14th  1914.
Oba Ghato, Okpere;
Long Live the King

Fidelia Nimmons (20th century) Benin
Source: Kingdom of Benin

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