
Sunday 25 February 2018

Pone Luctum Magdalena - Adam of St. Victor

Still thy sorrow, Magdalena!
      Wipe the tear-drops from thine eyes
Not at Simon's board thou kneelest,
      Pouring thy repentant sighs:
All with thy glad heart rejoices;
All things sing with happy voices:

Laugh with rapture, Magdalena!
      Be thy drooping forehead bright;
Banished now is every anguish.
      Breaks anew thy morning light;
Christ from death the world hath freed;
He is risen, is risen indeed:

Joy! exult, Magdalena!
      He hath burst the rocky prison;
Ended are the days of darkness;
      Conqueror hath He arisen.
Mourn no more the Christ departed;
Run to welcome Him, glad-hearted:

Lift thine eyes, Magdalena!
      See! thy living Master stands;
See His face, as ever, smiling;
      See those wounds upon His hands,
On His feet. His sacred side, —
Gems that deck the Glorified:

Live, now live, Magdalena!
      Shining is thy new-born day;
Let thy bosom pant with pleasure.
      Death's poor terror flee away;
Far from thee the tears of sadness.
Welcome love, and welcome gladness!

Adam of St. Victor (1112 - 1146) France
Translated by E. A. Washburn
Source: Great hymns of the middle ages, compiled by Eveline Warner Brainerd, The Century co., 1909

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