
Sunday 4 February 2018

Glory, and honour, and laud be to Thee, King - Theodulf of Orléans

Glory, and honour, and laud be to Thee, King, Christ the Redeemer!
Children before whose steps raised their hosannas of praise.
Glory, and honour, and laud be to Thee, King, Christ the Redeemer!

Israel's Monarch art Thou, and the glorious off-spring of David,
Thou that approachest a King, blessed in the name of the Lord.
Glory, and honour, and laud be to Thee, King, Christ the Redeemer!

Glory to Thee in the highest the heavenly armies are singing:
Glory to Thee upon earth man and creation reply.
Glory, and honour, and laud be to Thee, King, Christ the Redeemer!

Met Thee with palms in their hands, that day, the folk of the Hebrews:
We with our prayers and our hymns now to Thy presence approach.
Glory, and honour, and laud be to Thee, King, Christ the Redeemer!

They to Thee proffered their praise for to herald Thy dolorous Passion;
We to the King on His throne utter the jubilant hymn.
Glory, and honour, and laud be to Thee, King, Christ the Redeemer!

They were then pleasing to Thee, unto Thee our devotion be pleasing;
Merciful King, kind King, who in all goodness art pleas'd.
Glory, and honour, and laud be to Thee, King, Christ the Redeemer!

They in their pride of descent were rightly the children of Hebrews:
Hebrews are we, whom the Lord's Passover maketh the same.
Glory, and honour, and laud be to Thee, King, Christ the Redeemer!

Victory won o'er the world be to us for our branches of palm tree:
So in the Conqueror's joy this to Thee still be our song:
Glory, and honour, and laud be to Thee, King, Christ the Redeemer,
Children before whose steps raised their hosannas of praise.

Theodulf of Orléans (c. 750/60 – 821) France
Translated by John Mason Neale
Source: Great hymns of the middle ages, compiled by Eveline Warner Brainerd, The Century co., 1909

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